October 15, 2011

The End of Summer . . .

Some things I'll miss, some things I won't . . .

Godwits and gulls

Red tide

Sea weed, horses, crowds and summer fog

Forgotten dog poop bags

Summer beach weddings

Hillbilly horseshoes (played with big washers)

and fun guys who make me laugh . . .

Summer beach trash

Leaving gifts of firewood for campers

Dogs and their people


Polite dogs (and their people)

Driftwood sculptures

Bright summer night beach walks

Brilliant sunsets


and their people . . . Skansen Llama Farm (www.skansen.com)

Meeting new friends ~ 'Surfrider' beach clean up with (awesome!) AMEC crew

Bodega Bay Farmers Market ~ Daniel Byerbri, Owner, Byerbri Olive Oil (outstanding olive oil!)


'Sunny' and her boy

1998 ~ 2011