Salmon Creek Art Walk open 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th.
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Salmon Creek Art Walk directions: From San Francisco, take Hwy 101 North to Petaluma. At
Petaluma take the Washington St Exit. Turn left on Washington St. and
continue all the way to Bodega Bay (The street name will change several
times but will eventually turn into Hwy 1.) Hwy 1 will take you all the
way to Bodega Bay! Don't turn off of Hwy 1. They are one mile North of
Bodega Bay. Look for their signs.
Sand Castles and Kites event at Doran Beach ~ May 5th 11:00 until 4:00 at Doran Beach, 201 Doran Beach Road, Bodega Bay.
Tom Reynolds 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
Darris Nelson 2012, photographer |
It's a beautiful, calm day . . . come out enjoy the beach!